"Your pain is unique, and you are the only one who can truly feel it. It belongs to you and noone else."
"Those who can laugh at their foolishness have found their fountain of youth."
"The fundamental purpose of dreams isn't success but to free us from conformity."
"If your dreams are desires and not plans for living, you will surely take your problems to the grave."
"Victory without risk is a dream without value."
"Those who work to ease the pain of others ease their own pain."
"Don't fear criticism from the outside. Fear your own thoughts, for only thay can penetrate into your essence and destroy it."
"I only feel worthy of my wings if I make use of them so others can fly."
"Success is more difficult to deal with than failure."
"There is no such thing as a person without worth, only someone who is grossly undervalued."
"The greatest revenge you can take against any enemy is to forgive him. Kill him inside yourself."
"Living well means learning how to lose before learning how to win."
All of this are the words that came from Augusto Cury, the author of The Dreamseller. Just want to share his wisdom with all of you. (^.^)
The one below is in the book too, but it's from Alexander Graham Bell.
"If we tread the path that others have taken, at best we'll arrive at the places they've already been."
-Alexander Graham Bell
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