Si topeng cokelat itu manusia yang bertopengkan wajah sendiri

Thursday, June 16, 2011

You want to know one of the best things about being a Muslim?

Islam trains us to be positive.. =)

Allah swt promises us great benefits if we can be patient.

The other day, when i was talking to my older sister.. I realized.. And I can see much clearly now..

Allah promises if somebody does something bad to you, He will let the person have a taste of his own medicine. Right?

If somebody steals, something will be stolen from the person too, right?

If lucky, it will be presented when the person is still alive, on earth. If not, well.. The hereafter payment is so much worse.

Still, what I'm trying to say is.. People usually say that life is not fair.. But Allah swt is always fair. Always!

We must believe in Qada' and Qadar right?

We must believe in the hereafter right?

We must believe that whatever happens is destined for us, and there is DEFINITELY something good behind it.. We just have to search for it.. Do that and, insya' Allah you'll be happy.

Even when we don't think we're receiving any good thing from something.. BELIEVE.. Believe in our hearts that something far more greater is waiting in the hereafter.. The everlasting life.. The life we should look forward to.. The life where everything is fair..

That way. we'll always be the glass half full kind of person. X)

Be happy. Stay positive. Believe in the Mighty One.

"Di sisi Allah terdapat hiburan atas berbagai musibah dan pengganti daripada segala sesuatu yang hilang dan musnah. Maka kepada Allah lah kalian bertaubat dan yakinlah akan kasih sayang Allah terhadap kalian dalam setiap musibah. Maka lihatlah orang yang ditimpa musibah merupakan orang yang tidak memikirkan pahala di sebaliknya."

Claimed to be the words of Nabi Khidir, but again is not based on a hadis sahih.

1 comment:

  1. yes. i strongly agree with that. only the ummah who always feel grateful to Allah swt that get all the barakah and prosperity.
