Si topeng cokelat itu manusia yang bertopengkan wajah sendiri

Monday, April 16, 2012

I don't agree with YOLO.

Have any of you heard of YOLO? I heard it before but did not know what it meant. Not untill a few days ago.

For those of you who don't know, it means : You Only Live Once.

I don't know who started the phenomenon but it kind of means live your life to the fullest and things like that.

When I first knew what it meant, I immediately disagree. Why? The statement.

For the people who believe in the beautiful religion of Islam, one of the things that we believe is the hereafter. The eternal life after death.

Hence, that means we will be reborn. Not exactly reborn, but we'll be bring back to life. No, not like zombies, but like humans. We DON'T live only once.

So, to some of us who is not fortunate enough to marry, or fall in love, or try something we've always wanted, don't despair. If the life of the everlasting gardens is for you, then you will be able to do all of the things that you want, even the ones forbidden before.

So, instead of trying to try everything, even the ones causing the anger of Allah just because of this YOLO thing, why don't we all try our best to seize a place in Jannah? The place where we can be truly happy?

So, my brothers and sisters, especially sisters, don't worry if things don't go your way, or if you think the way of Islam is too restrictive. Allah will place His beloved ones in the place He made specially in the most spectacular way possible for them to live forever, FOREVER compared to this little pleasure on Earth.

Eternal pleasure. Eternal happiness. No worries. No discrimination. No injustice.

You DON'T only live once. But we get to choose, for the second life, to either be eternally happy, or eternally doomed.

Pray for us so that we will be included with the ones Allah choose to be part of His paradise.


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