Si topeng cokelat itu manusia yang bertopengkan wajah sendiri

Monday, June 18, 2012

Berbahagialah dalam kesusahan

Rasulullah SAW bersabda:

Barangsiapa yang dikehendaki Allah akan mendapat kebaikan, 
tentulah akan diberi-Nya cubaan terlebih dahulu.

-Riwayat Bukahri dan Ahmad-


  1. I've written the date of my birthday in the diary i gave to u... thot u'll notice it and remember... unluckily u dont... or u prefer not to... life is a journey and along the journey we will meet somthing, someone that will someday become a history... is it wrong for a history to acknowledged?

  2. I am not sure who you are, and I'm not really sure if I ever did get any diaries from anybody. But please, forgive me if forgot your birthday. I am not that good with remembering other ppl's birthdays. But, happy belated birthday anyway. Hope it makes your day. C=
