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Sunday, March 17, 2013

Remember to remember.

When will we be able to understand that our problems will never be the same?

We always say,
"I understand."
"I have been through the same thing."
"I can feel what you're going through."

But then, we compare the problem to ours. Subtly, we compete who got it worse, who's problem was harder to handle. Usually using, "Aku lagi la...." Seem familiar?

What we didn't realize is that our problems are not the same and it will never be. The circumstances were different, the consequences were different, the people involved have different personalities.

The people who listen a lot of times do not know what to say, because anything they say will be wrong. Unless they're the kind of people that just knew what to say.

The people who 'empathize' with you are not always sincere about their concerns. Sometimes, they're even glad or maybe look down on you. Some other times, they don't even care.

So, I am not just going to babble and complain about this. I will give you a solution!

For those of you who have been following this blog long enough, you may have seen this coming.

And mainly, this message is for my own self, my future self.

Yes! You guessed it. Talk to Allah! Tell Allah all your problems. He is the only one who will listen to ALL your problems day and night. And He is definitely not imaginary.

Whenever you feel there's no one to talk to, or no one will understand, spill it all to the One that will listen. Trust me, you will feel so much better.

He is the only One that can change you destiny. It's like having a lecturer as your best friend. He is the only one that can help change your marks. But Allah, He has the power over all things, visible and invisible. And he is closer to you than anyone else in the world.

Liana, the only thing left to do is to remember that fact.

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